ETF Spotlight: Actively Managed Funds By Tom Lydon
Actively Managed ETFs: Actively managed exchange traded funds are beginning to make their mark in the $1.2 trillion ETF industry. Hybrid indices and equity-focused actively managed ETFs are hitting the market, after the success of theĂ‚Â PIMCO Total Return ETF. The active ETF universe is “heterogeneous,” says Morningstar ETF analyst Robert Goldsborough, though heavily skewed toward fixed income. “There are a lot of unique strategies, but not a lot of mainstream …
ETF Growth: Will It Hit A Wall By Brendan Conway
Bernstein Research poses the question this morning. Yes, the firm argues, exchange-traded funds’ growth could slow considerably. It could happen without a break into 401(k) plans and without substantial new growth outside ETFs’ home base in passive investing. Bernstein’sĂ‚Â Luke Montgomery, Brad Hintz and Gabriel Farajollah are specifically challenging the view that active management and fixed income can drive the industry’s asset levels as high as hoped. They’re taking on the …