Alex Gurvich, Founder and Portfolio Manager, The Rockledge Group

Alex is a founding member and Managing Partner as well as Portfolio Manager of The Rockledge Group and Rockledge Advisors. Rockledge is an independent investment advisory firm specializing in sector investing using proprietary “Sector Scoring and Allocation Methodology”. Rockledge manages funds for both US and European individual and institutional investors.

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What I learned at the IndexUniverse Inside ETFs Conference

I just got back from one of the larger and better ETF conferences inside ETFs, sponsored by the IndexUniverse. Clearly being in sunny Florida for a couple of days, getting away from the snow in New York has its attractions. Just seeing bright sun and breathing fresh ocean air does lift one’s spirits and clears one’s mind. But let’s not forget the conference itself. There were over a thousand participants …

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Category: Conference, ETF

